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Double Degree in Education and Psychology

Official title

Sold out places

FPCEE Aula Classes
  • Modality
  • Languages
    Catalan, Spanish
  • Duration
    5 academic years
  • Credits
  • Date
    September 2024
  • Planning

    8 a.m. to 2 p.m. / 3.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.

  • Places
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer del Císter, 34. 08022 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science

Who is it for?

Future students who want to study a versatile career to work in the field of childhood in schools or psychology offices.

Great scope for professional growth

Education (morning) and Psychology (afternoon) courses are taught simultaneously throughout the double bachelor's degree, except for the last two academic years in which only one of the degrees is taught. The second year includes certification courses on Attention to Diversity and Educational Psychology. Official internships are mostly done at schools for three years and in other contexts in the field of psychology another full year.


Acquisition of skills to address the learning needs of children, based on their development stage and the individual needs of each child, and plan and design the necessary support in each case, in coordination with other professionals from the school and the families.

Company and support

Development of the necessary skills to accompany and support children (and their families) who are going through a difficult emotional and/or social process. Also, to act as a link between students, the center, and families, encouraging teamwork between these pillars, communication, and the resolution of conflicts that may arise.

Children's service

Acquisition of skills and abilities that allow the student to intervene from a socio-educational point-of-view to detect problems that a child may suffer outside the classroom, such as: gender-based violence, domestic abuse, risk of social exclusion, school absenteeism… and to work together with various childcare services: CDIAP, CSMIJ, EAP, EAIA... and other children's services.


Development of skills related to the day-to-day management of the educational center to propose training actions when necessary for the various members of the educational community and start research-action processes, in which research leads to changes in the teaching practice and other aspects of school reality.

If you choose the double degree in Education at Blanquerna, you choose...

Full education in both bachelor's degrees that gives future professionals a comprehensive view of both disciplines.

  • Full education in both bachelor's degrees that gives future professionals a comprehensive view of both disciplines.
  • One of the best private universities in Europe.
  • High degree of occupational integration.
  • Bachelor's degree taught by professors who combine professional practice with teaching and research.
  • Four years of training internships in leading specialized centers in Spain, both public and private.

What sets Blanquerna teachers apart?

  1. Social commitment: teachers connected with the environment, with the capacity to network with other educational, cultural and social agents in order to work together for equality, solidarity, peacebuilding, freedom and justice.
  2. Multilingualism and openness to the world: teachers who know how and when to use languages in a variety of environments, who know how to seize language learning opportunities, and who are committed to opening up opportunities beyond the immediate context. Many "Blanquerna teachers" who are already working around the world endorse this.
  3. Inclusion: teachers who educate to ensure no child is left behind, based on the diversity and uniqueness of each individual.
  4. Inquiry and transformation: teachers ready to create reflection, innovation and renewal in the classroom and in the school, based on evidence. 5. Digital sensitivity: digitally skilled teachers, as we certify instrumental digital skills (ACTIC: Certification in Information and Communication Technology Skills) and the obtaining of methodological digital skills throughout the bachelor degree


Master's Degree in Diversity Support and Inclusive Education

All students of the double bachelor's degree will receive this certification, which will provide them with the knowledge, attitudes, and resources needed to manage diversity in the classroom

Health psychology

All students studying the bachelor's degree in Psychology will obtain the certification in Health Psychology, consisting of a total of 90 ECTS of compulsory courses of the bachelor's degree linked to this certification, according to the provisions of Order CNU/1309/2018.

Educational psychology

Study the change processes that people experience when faced with teaching or learning situations and analyze the individual and contextual factors that facilitate or hinder these developments.

Data that support these studies


of total employability of Blanquerna-URL alumni graduates in Primary Education, according to AQU.


of total employability of Blanquerna-URL alumni graduates in Psychology, according to AQU.


of occupational integration in Early Childhood Education


of occupational integration in Primary Education

A unique methodology based on personalized learning

The Blanquerna methodology is based on seminars, a core element in achieving personalized and qualitative learning and holistic training that includes not only academic and professional competencies but also personal and human skills.

Personalized education

Seminars with small groups of 10-12 students facilitate interdisciplinary learning, intellectual and professional reflection, and customized learning. The faculty advisor collaborates in students' academic, personal and vocational orientation.

Internship centers

We have agreements with more than one thousand internship centers and a 95% job placement. Internships are carried out in pioneering and innovative organizations, institutions and schools that allow you to vindicate everything you have learned during the degree.

Studies abroad

Studying abroad is a life-changing experience. We offer you the opportunity to take part in various exchange programs and international cooperation programs and to do internships abroad. Furthermore, the curriculum includes training to obtain B2 level English certification.

Blanquerna Learning and Service

ApS (Learning and Service) is a complex activity that integrates service to the community with learning: one of the main ideas is that our students can learn by accompanying other social institutions and continue to grow in the acquisition of values and critical thinking. These are activities or projects in which learning is linked to performing a real service.

FPCEE Entrada

Study for a double major

Study for two majors simultaneously, consecutively or following a track tailored to you


Academic information

Alumnes estudiant al seminari


The double bachelor's degree curriculum simultaneously combines courses from the bachelor's degree in Education (Early Childhood or Primary) with courses from the bachelor's degree in Psychology over 5 years. There are internships from the second to the fifth year that are combined with classes in both bachelor's degrees, with a reference group and a person who tutors and advises this group of students throughout the double bachelor's degree.


Final degree project 12 12 24
Core curriculum 36 36 72
Internships 6 26 18 50
Compulsory 42 36 70 18 24 190
Optional 6 12 24 6 48
Total 78 84 82 80 60 384

All the subjects of this course belong to the degree in Primary Education
SubjectCreditsAcademic type
Nineth semester
Didactics of knowledge and mathematical activity in Primary Education 6Compulsory
Teaching social sciences 6Compulsory
Technology as a tool to support educational inclusion 6Optional
Tenth semester
Teaching experimental sciences 6Compulsory
Education through the body and its movement 6Compulsory
Practicum III: ethics, deontology and professional skills 18Practicum
Final degree project: English 12Final degree project


Final degree project 12 12 24
Core curriculum 42 36 24 18 120
Internships 6 14 18 12 50
Compulsory 36 36 40 24 18 154
Optional 6 6 12 12 36
Total 78 84 84 84 54 384

SubjectCreditsAcademic type
Seventh semester
Preschool education subjects
Difficulties and learning disorders 6Optional
Psychology subjects
Research Methods: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs 6Compulsory
Research Methods: Observational and case study methodology 6Compulsory
Psychological assessment and diagnosis I: Clinical environment assessment 6Compulsory
Students with specific educational support needs 6Optional
Seminar V: Psychological evaluation and research methods 0Compulsory
Eighth semester
Preschool education subjects
Education and health 6Core curriculum
Society, family and education 6Core curriculum
Psychology subjects
Psychological assessment and diagnosis II: Evaluation of psychopathology in children and infants 6Compulsory
Seminar VI: Clinical evaluation and psychotherapeutic guidelines 0Compulsory
Preschool education subjects
Practicum III: ethics, deontology and professional skills 18Practicum
Final degree project: English 12Final degree project
Psychology subject
Knowledge and strategies to learn in the university II: English B2 6Core curriculum

Internships, an experience to introduce you to the labor market

At Blanquerna-URL, we emphasize the importance of internships at external centers. That is why we have agreements with more than a thousand organizations and entities where you can apply your theoretical knowledge to the professional world and start focusing on your professional future based on the reality of the sector

  • Internships in both public and private centers and in companies with a collaboration agreement
  • Weekly two-hour Practical seminar session
  • Practical seminar assignments
  • Complementary conferences
  • Final report
  • Assessments by the professor-advisor and the center internship advisor

  • Combine an approach to career reality with reflecting and analyzing the lived experience.
  • Global analysis of the center, its model of educational and management practice, and its relationship with the environment.
  • Classroom interventions with the support and supervision of the classroom advisor, and with the follow-up and reflection of the academic tutor.
  • Acting as a responsible educational professional, making appropriate decisions with the support and guidance of tutors.

Where can you do your internship?

The bachelor's degree thesis, the step prior to the labor market

The bachelor's thesis is written during the fourth academic year and has its own seminar. The student decides the topic and type of project, whose objective is to evaluate the assimilation of the core skills acquired during each bachelor's degree. Essentially, it consists of writing a research project or designing an intervention program that allows the student to prove they have assimilated each degree's competences.

The thesis is written during the fourth academic year and has its own seminar. The student decides the topic and type of thesis. To write the thesis, the student can decide to do a research project or design an intervention program that will be tutored throughout the academic year by a professor-tutor specializing in that area.

The topics may be related to any of the areas of the profession and, where applicable, may also be linked to the center where the student is doing the internship or to the School's research groups.

The work will be conducted individually or in groups. Projects must be written in Catalan, Spanish, or English. In any case, the work will have to include a summary in English, Catalan, and Spanish.

The bachelor's degree thesis will last two semesters and will be supervised by a professor-advisor, both individually and in the Seminar space.

Within this space, the process carried out is shared in groups, guidelines are established, and the activity is organized. These Seminar sessions will be alternated with individualized follow-up/tutoring (in which each advisor will personally follow up on the thesis).

There will be three grading systems and assessment times:

  • The assigned advisor will follow up on each assignment throughout the academic year. During this period, the student will be required to submit progress reports. The advisor will propose a grade based on the work conducted in the seminars and tutoring (35% of the overall grade).
  • Presentation and public defense before an examination committee made up of two professors from the department, one of whom may be the advisor. The grade will be given by consensus; if there is no consensus, each member of the examination committee will award a grade and the average (25% of the grade) will be awarded.
  • Written work: will be corrected by the professor-advisor (40% of the overall grade).

A role in high demand by schools

A teacher who also has a bachelor's degree in Psychology will be able to take part in many more areas of the school, in the same way that someone with a bachelor's degree in Psychology with knowledge about the teaching and learning processes and the development of children, expands their professional scope in the field of psychology.

stock fpcee

Educational field

Schools, educational management in administrations and other institutions, non-formal education...

Pràctica Logopedia FPCEE

Clinical field

Medical centers, psychology offices...

fpcee stock

Other areas of psychology

Companies and organizations, community and legal field, sports field...

Professora explicant als alumnes de l'aula


Teaching and research

Alumnes a la Graduació Blanquerna 2019

A direct link to your future career

Our work doesn't finish the moment you graduate. The Alumni department will support you to enable us to achieve an employment rate of 90% of students in the first year after graduation

State-of-the-art equipment at the student's disposal

All the services you need during your course



Admissions calendar

The admissions process for the 2023-2024 academic year begins on November 7, 2022. After closing, pre-enrollment will remain open in those bachelor's degrees that have places available.

Admission pathways to the School's bachelor's degree studies

  • Successfully completed high school diploma and university entrance exams. Students can access all the bachelor's degrees at the School from any of the high school diploma options. Even so, from an academic standpoint, the recommended access profile for the bachelor's degrees in Psychology and Speech and Language Therapy are students coming from the field of health and social sciences; for bachelor's degree studies in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and Sports Management, a profile from the field of social sciences and humanities is recommended; however, under no circumstances are the others ruled out.

  • Foreign baccalaureate degree or high school diploma with the UNED credential. Students from education systems within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), or those with whom the Spanish State has an agreement, and international baccalaureate degree holders, must apply to the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) to obtain the credential certifying that they meet the requirements to access university studies within the state education system. (They do not have to sit the University Entrance Exams, however, without the credential they will not be able to enroll in our bachelor's degrees.) The educational systems that they can access through this channel are: Germany, Andorra, Austria, European Schools (European baccalaureate), International Baccalaureate, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, China and Cyprus.

  • Convalidation of foreign baccalaureate. Students from education systems outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that do not have an agreement with the Spanish State will be able to access our bachelor's degrees by presenting the convalidation of their baccalaureate degree by the Ministry of Education of the Spanish State or the duly authorized Autonomous Communities, as is the case of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Proof of application for convalidation will be sufficient for students to enroll and begin taking a bachelor's degree course, however full enrollment is conditional on convalidation being confirmed. Bear in mind that convalidating studies can take more than three months to complete, so this process should be done in parallel with the admissions process to our bachelor's degrees. If the convalidation resolution is not obtained in the terms requested by the interested party, the results of any exams taken, or the enrollment made as a result thereof, are rendered null and void. Candidates who are nationals of a European Union country, or resident in Spain, and who come from non-European education systems that have not signed a reciprocity agreement with Spain, should contact the Student Information and Guidance Service (SIOE).

  • Higher education courses. Be in possession of a vocational training advanced technician diploma, an advanced technician diploma in plastic arts and design or an advanced technician diploma in sports. Students who have completed an advanced training course in an area of knowledge related to the bachelor degree can apply for credits. Recognition of credits for students from higher education training courses.

  • Mature student access for over 25s. All persons who are 25 years of age or older before October 1st of the calendar year in which the admission test is held may apply.

  • Access to the University by experience accreditation. Persons with professional and work experience pertinent to these studies but who do not hold an academic qualification that allows them to apply to the university through other pathways, and who are 40 years of age or older on October 1st of the academic year in which the course commences, can access bachelor's degree studies.

  • Mature student access for over 45s. Persons over 45 years of age who do not hold an academic qualification that allows them to apply to the university through other pathways, and who cannot prove professional or work experience, can access bachelor's degree studies through this pathway.

Stages of the admission process

The admission process for bachelor's degree studies at the School is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. Pre-enrollment
  2. Admission test
  3. Admission resolution
  4. Enrollment


Pre-enrollment entitles you to take part in the admission process and can be done online or in person.

Online pre-enrollment can be accessed from the pre-enrollment button on each bachelor's degree web page, or directly from here.

You need to:

  1. Sign up on the unique registration system and create a username (if not previously obtained) and follow the instructions to completion.
  2. Payment of €100 (non-refundable fee for pre-enrollment rights and processing) can be made by credit or debit card, through a secure and confidential BBVA process.
  3. Upload the documentation, through the document repository, before the end date of the pre-enrollment process:
  • ID card (both sides)
  • Certificate of University admission test (University Entrance Exam, CFGS, etc.) if available at the time of pre-enrollment.

People pre-enrolled in the; bachelor's degree in Psychology, the double major in Psychology and Education, and the double major in Psychology and Speech and Language Therapy, will have the option to enroll on a conditional basis (see enrollment section), provided that there are places available and:

- They have a provisional (or final) grade equal to or higher than 7 (if coming from a high school diploma) or 8 (if coming from CFGS) in the university entrance exams (the student must submit the last grade they have: grade of 1st or 2nd of high school diploma or CFGS with an official document from the center containing the final average grade of the course - or the definitive access route if they have one), upon passing the entrance exam and once the supporting documentation has been uploaded to the document repository.

Foreign baccalaureates: students coming from international high schools will have to submit an official document from the center of origin containing the final average grade of the course and its equivalence to the Spanish system.

If the grade is not higher than 7 they will be able to participate in theallocation of places in June (with conditional enrollment, where applicable), which will be based on the provisional (or final) grade. In order to participate, the following is required:

- Pass the entrance exam, at the latest, on July 2, 2024.

- Post to the document repository the documentation that proves the provisional or final grade of the university entrance studies (grade of 1st or 2nd year high school diploma, of CFGS or the access route in the event of already studying at university) until June 3, 2024.

People who wish to pre-register for the bachelor's degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences anddouble majors that include this optionas stated in the degree access protocol, must submit before the specific entrance exam:

  • A duly completed Declaration of Good Health (compulsory before physical exams).
  • Curriculum comprising training and sports practice following the indications stated in section 2.3.1 of this protocol.

Check whether there is any other required documentation according to the access route and also upload it through the document repository. Upon pre-enrollment, the applicant will be given a pre-enrollment receipt stating the day, time and location of the admission test.

In-person pre-enrollment can be done on-site at the School, by visiting the Student Information and Orientation Service (SIOE) and submitting the following:

  1. Provide the following documentation:
  2. Photocopy of ID card (both sides)
  3. University entrance qualifications certification (University Entrance Exam, CFGS, etc.) plus documentation of having passed the Personal Aptitude Tests (in the studies in which it is necessary), if available at the time of pre-enrollment.
  4. Make a payment of €100 (non-refundable fee for pre-enrollment rights and processing) in cash or by credit/debit card, through a secure and confidential BBVA process.

Upon pre-enrollment, the applicant will be given a pre-enrollment receipt stating the day, time and location of the admission test.

Admission test

Besides having the university entrance route, the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences (FPCEE) has its own admission tests suitable for the degrees offered and these are held once pre-enrollment is completed.

The planned schedule of FPCEE admission tests is:

  • January 23, 2024, at 5.30 pm and at 7.30 pm.
  • February 14, 2024, at 5 pm and at 7 pm.
  • February 21, 2024, CAFE physical tests, at 2.30 pm.
  • March 6, 2024, at 5 pm and at 7 pm.
  • April 10, 2024, at 5 pm and at 7 pm.
  • April 17, 2024, CAFE physical tests, at 2.30 pm.
  • April 17, 2024, at 6 pm.
  • May 8, 2024, at 5 pm and at 7 pm.
  • May 29, 2024, CAFE physical tests, at 2.30 pm.
  • May 30, 2024, at 10 am and at 12 pm.
  • July 2, CAFE physical tests, at 2.30 pm.
  • July 2, at 9 am and at 17.30 pm.

After this date, in the event that there are places available in any bachelor's degree course, new admission tests will be scheduled. The date of this test is assigned upon pre-enrollment and is recorded on the corresponding pre-enrollment receipt, which students can always consult in their document repository. Students who reside outside Catalonia and Andorra and have proven difficulties in taking the test in person on the assigned day may change the date or request to do so online.

The admission test for all the School's bachelor's degrees comprises:

  • General culture questionnaire
  • Verbal and non-verbal reasoning questionnaire
  • English language questionnaire
  • Attitudes and competences questionnaire

Furthermore, there is a custom test for pre-registrants to the bachelor's degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and/or double majors that include this option, described in the physical test protocol for access to the bachelor's degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.

Note: In light of the theory-practical characteristics of the studies of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, the Assessment Committee may amend the protocol of the physical tests, in the event that the candidates prove a disability and request as such.

Note: As stated in the current legislation, for access to the School, and specifically to the studies of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, applicants who are correctly accredited as high-level athletes (who appear on the lists prepared by Spain's Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD) and published in the Official State Gazette) and high-performance athletes (certified by the CSD at the request of the corresponding federations), are excluded from the physical tests. Note: You can view the criteria and conditions in the case of highly dedicated athletes at: Blanquerna FPCEE High-level Sports performance criteria.

Admission resolution

  1. A few days after taking the admission test, notification will be given to the pre-enrolled person by the email regarding the admission resolution (eligible or not eligible).

In the case of being eligible, and depending on the available places, in the same email you will be invited to enroll, indicating the instructions on when and how you will have to formalize enrollment.

  • For the bachelor's degree in Psychology, the double major in Psychology and Education, and the double major in Psychology and Speech and Language Therapy this will happen if the provisional (or final) grade of the university entrance studies (1st or 2nd year high school diploma or CFGS or the access route in the case of being already taking university studies) is equal to or higher than 7 (of they come from a high school diploma) or 8 (if coming from CFGS). Otherwise, the resolution will be made on theadmission for the month of June (see Pre-enrollment section).

  1. The results of the allocation will be sent by email on June 7. Those eligible will have the option to do enrollment conditional (or final) on the date June 10.
  2. Admitted students will be called to enroll following the order of pre-enrollment, which will give turn priority.
  3. In case of not enrolling on the specified date, the applicant will lose the possibility to enroll and will be able to participate in the July allocation with the final grade.
  4. If participating in theadmission for the month of July, which will be done according to the final grade of the access route (University Entrance Exam+Entrance test, CFGS, etc.), the results of the allocation will be sent by email on 5 July.
  5. Admitted students will be called to enroll on 8 July.
  6. Students will be called to enroll following the order of pre-enrollment, which will give turn priority.

The criterion used to call admitted students to enrollment is the pre-enrollment order. It is important to bear in mind one timetable option may fill up during the (conditional) enrollment period. The student's place is definitive when they submit the documentation for university entrance , the entrance exam or the CFGS.

Until registration is formalized, students will not be able to obtain a place or choose a timetable in degrees that have more than one.


Persons admitted for enrollment can choose between two options, depending on whether or not they already have an admission pathway:

  1. Conditional enrollment
    Possibility to enroll in the degree, before having passed access route.
    Enrollment will be conditional on the presentation of the corresponding admission pathway.
    This option secures the place and allows the student to choose their timetable, in the case of courses with morning and afternoon options, while places are available.
    In the event that the student does not secure the admission pathway, the enrollment fee is refunded, and they lose their place and timetable selection. If places remain available, applicants can stay on the waiting list until September and their enrollment fee will be held, but they will no longer have a preferential timetable choice.
    If a student does not obtain the admission pathway, the fee paid will be refunded.
  2. Definitive enrollment
    Enrollment is definitive if the student already meets the requirements for admission.
    Upon enrollment, students may secure the places and timetable options available.

Note: The criterion used to call admitted students for enrollment in the two enrollment periods (conditional and final) is by order of pre-enrollment. It is important to bear in mind one timetable option may fill up during the (conditional) enrollment period. Admission will be confirmed as final if the student delivers the necessary documentation with their university admission test, entrance exam or CFGS, and completes final enrollment in July.
Note: The required documentation must be uploaded through the document repository.

Special Note for the bachelor's degree in Psychology:

Once pre-enrollment has been done, in order to enroll in the bachelor's degree in Psychology, the applicant has three options:

1) Conditional (or final) enrollment, as long as there are places available, if you have a provisional (or final) grade equal to or higher than 7 (if coming from a high school diploma) and/or 8 (if coming from CFGS) in the university entrance exams (the student must submit the last grade they have: grade of 1st or 2nd of high school diploma or CFGS with an official document from the center containing the final average grade of the course - or the definitive access route if they have one), upon passing the entrance exam and once the supporting documentation has been uploaded to the document repository.

Foreign baccalaureates: students coming from international high schools will have to submit an official document from the center of origin containing the final average grade of the course and its equivalence to the Spanish system.

2) Participate in theallocation of places in June (with conditional enrollment, where applicable), which will be based on the provisional (or final) grade of the access path.
In this case, it is necessary to upload to the document repository the documentation that proves the provisional or final grade of the university entrance studies (final grade of 1st or 2nd year high school diploma, of CFGS or the access route in the event of already studying at university) until June 3, 2024 and having passed the entrance exam, at the latest, on June 3.

  • The results of the allocation will be sent by email on 7 June
  • Those eligible will have the option to do enrollment conditional (or final) on the date June 10.
  • Admitted students will be called to enroll following the order of pre-enrollment, which will give turn priority.
  • In case of not enrolling on the specified date, the applicant will lose the possibility to enroll and will be able to participate in the following allocation with the final grade.

3) Participate in theallocation of places in July, which will be done in accordance with the final grade of the access path. In this case, it is necessary to upload to the document repository the documentation with the final grade (tickets under review will not be accepted) of university entrance studies (high school diploma + University Entrance Exam or CFGS) until July 1, 2024 and having passed the entrance exam, at the latest, on July 2.

  • The results of the allocation will be sent by email on July 7. Admitted students will be called to enroll on 5 July.
  • Students will be called to enroll following the order of pre-enrollment, which will give turn priority.

Studies can be paid upfront and/or in interest-free installments. If payment by installment is selected, upon enrollment the student will have two business days to pay 50% of the total cost of the enrolled credits, using their chosen form of payment; this payment will not be taken by direct debit. The remaining 50% is split into nine monthly installments, from October to June, payable by direct debit using the bank account number provided upon enrollment (see Instructions for sending the SEPA document signed at Blanquerna). Prices are updated each academic year.

Here you can find the general enrollment conditions for studies at the FPCEE.

Once payment is made, the corresponding receipt of enrollment can be viewed in the student's document repository and via the student's portal.

Foreign students

For the foreign student admission process, the following considerations and requirements must be taken into account in accordance with the prevailing regulations. In the case of foreign students not included in the following subsections, please contact the Student Information and Orientation Service.

Students must apply to the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) to obtain the credential certifying that they meet the requirements to access university studies within the state education system (UNED Credential). They do not have to sit the university entrance exams, however, without the credential they will not be able to enroll in our bachelor's degrees.

The education systems that can be accessed through this pathway are: Germany, Andorra, Austria, European Schools (European baccalaureate), International Baccalaureate, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, China and Cyprus.

Can access our bachelor degrees by presenting the convalidation of their baccalaureate degree by the Ministry of Education of the Spanish State or the duly authorized Autonomous Communities, as is the case of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Proof of application for convalidation will be sufficient for students to enroll and begin taking a bachelor's degree course, however full enrollment is conditional on convalidation being confirmed. Bear in mind that convalidating studies can take more than three months to complete, so this process should be done in parallel with the admissions process to our bachelor's degrees. If the convalidation resolution is not obtained in the terms requested by the interested party, the results of any exams taken, or the enrollment made as a result thereof, are rendered null and void.

Contact us

For any doubts or queries about the pre-enrollment or enrollment process, please contact the School's Student Information and Orientation Service:
Address: C. Císter, 34 – 08022 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 932 533 006
Email: [email protected]
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

We make it easy, so you can choose whatever you want to study

Course fees are paid in installments without any interest. At the time of enrollment, 50% of the total cost of the credits for which the student is enrolled must be paid*; the remaining 50% is split into nine monthly installments (from October to June) payable by direct debit.

Tuition fee

Tuition fee per credit
€ 174.12
Total first-year tuition fees
Biblioteca de la Facultat de Psicologia Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport

Descomptes per a graus de Blanquerna-URL

Descomptes Fundació Blanquerna sobre el total de crèdits què matriculi l’estudiant per curs acadèmic:

  • Pagament únic del 100% de l’import total de la matrícula: 2% de descompte.

I a més a més, l’estudiant pot gaudir també d’un d’aquests altres descomptes (no acumulables entre sí):

  • Estudiant membre de Família Nombrosa o Monoparental: 5% de descompte.
  • Estudiant amb discapacitat >33%: 5% de descompte.
  • Família Blanquerna (alumni, fill/a, germà/na o parella, d'alumni o alumne/a): 5% de descompte.

Per a l'aplicació del descompte cal acreditar-lo amb el document que correspongui. L’alumnat ha de portar el document original presencialment a Secretaria Acadèmica, juntament amb el seu document d’identificació, per a la seva validació i aplicació del descompte corresponent. Termini de presentació de la documentació acreditativa: 16 de desembre 2024.

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Gender perspective

As the European Union points out, gender equality is not only a matter of social justice but also affects the results of teaching and research. Promoting gender equality in research and innovation is one of the European Commission's commitments, and it supports the explicit integration of a gender perspective in Horizon 2020 projects. However, this recommendation is often poorly understood and misapplied. Various documents are presented here with a view to contributing to a better understanding and application of the gender perspective in teaching and research.


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