High School centers
Descobreix les diverses formes en què, des de Blanquerna-URL, podem col·laborar amb el teu centre educatiu per tal d’orientar els estudis de l’alumnat. Oferim diversos serveis perquè els futurs estudiants de Batxillerat i Cicles Formatius de Grau Superior (CFGS) coneguin de prop els graus que s'imparteixen a Blanquerna-URL, els nostres valors, el perfil del professorat i les instal·lacions a les quals accediran. A més, proposem sessions d'orientació universitària i tallers per a docents, per complementar la tasca orientadora de les escoles.
Blanquerna-Escola Workshops
These hands-on workshops simulate the environment and tasks of a profession to help students get a better grasp of the sector and the work it entails. Our workshops have a number of formats that can be adapted to the needs of each educational center.
Blanquerna-Escola Workshops
These hands-on workshops simulate the environment and tasks of a profession to help students get a better grasp of the sector and the work it entails. Our workshops have a number of formats that can be adapted to the needs of each educational center.
We offer workshops at our faculties for High School and Advanced Vocational Training students to help them gain professional experience and learn about the bachelor degrees that are taught there.
We offer the students three virtual workshops, which they can watch from their classrooms or from home.
On demand
At the request of schools, we offer practical workshops for small groups of students and practical talks given by Blanquerna faculty.
Informative talks in schools
One-hour general presentation of the bachelor degrees. It can be imparted in different formats to suit the needs of schools, both in the number of students and in time and location. The talks are also available online.
Contacta amb els nostres orientadors i col·laborarem amb la teva escola
Servei d’Orientació Universitària
Blanquerna-URL in the rankings