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International students

Whether you are coming or going, at Blanquerna-URL we are aware of the importance of internationalization. From our center, we work to promote the exchange of students with foreign universities through different mobility programs, such as Erasmus or other bilateral agreements. In this way we can incorporate international reality into the dynamics of all the studies of the Blanquerna Schools, an institution striving towards universal knowledge.


undergraduate and master degree students of other nationalities


agreements with universities around the world


countries with which we have agreements


Blanquerna-URL students studying abroad

America central
America del Sud

Europe: Portugal [14] · France [11] · Belgium [15] · Switzerland [4] · Netherlands [5] · Italy [20] · Germany [6] · United Kingdom [2] · Greece [1] · Poland [2] · Denmark [5] · Norway [3] · Sweden [2] · Finland [3] · Austria [1] · Croatia [2] · Serbia [1] North America:Mexico [8] · USA [12] · Canada [1] Central America: Panama [1] · Costa Rica [1] South America:Chile [6] · Argentina [9] · Brazil [2] · Colombia [1] · Venezuela [1] · Uruguay [3] · Peru [1] Oceania: Australia [2] · New Zealand [1] Africa: Egypt [1] Asia: China [5] Thailand [1] · Taiwan [1] · South Korea [1] · Lebanon [1] · Turkey [2]

estudiants internacionals

Students from abroad

Blanquerna is a university with an international vision. Every year, we welcome students from all over the world wishing to study a full bachelor degree at our center. You could be among them.


Blanquerna-URL in the rankings


Young University Rankings (2024)

Ramon Llull University (URL) has been ranked in the world ranking of universities under 50 years old - THE Young University Rankings - with very good results. It has achieved the 194th place worldwide and the 5th place in Spain.

Among private universities in Spain, URL is in the 1st position.

ranquing shangai

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023 of the Shanghai Ranking

The Psychology degree of the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences Blanquerna is located in the range 401-500.

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