
SINTE: Interuniversity Seminar on Identity and New Educational Pathways

Group recognized by the Government of Catalonia 2021 SGR 01024

The Interuniversity Seminar on Identity and New Educational Pathways (SINTE) started its activity in 1992. Its research activity is in line with the principles of RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation), the achievement of the 2030 educational agenda and educational innovation and digital transformation. In particular, the projects cover three strategic axes: ​

  • Developing the researcher's identity: Implementing the principles of responsible research and innovation in training contexts for both novice researchers and innovative professionals. Link to the project:
  • Developing the identity of the profession of an educator: Fostering the development of the teaching identity of future teachers, in-service teachers and other education professionals (principals, advisors, mentors). Link to the project:
  • Developing and intervening in contexts of diversity, inclusion and cooperation: Designing inclusive and peer-to-peer learning environments. Fostering the development of the identity of minority communities in environments of cultural diversity and social exclusion and the study and diagnosis of needs in the areas of child welfare, early care, child protection and intervention with families.

Link to the website:

Link to the specific web page sinte-URL:

Seminari d'investigació interuniversitari d'estratègies d'ensenyament i aprenentatge, lectura i escriptura (SINTE Lest)
Simon Garcia Ventura

Simon Garcia Ventura

Assistant Researcher
Lynn McAlpine McAlpine

Lynn McAlpine McAlpine

Assistant Researcher
Juan José Mena Marcos

Juan José Mena Marcos

Assistant Researcher
Carla Andrea Meneses Pinto

Carla Andrea Meneses Pinto

Assistant Researcher
kirsi Pyhaltö

kirsi Pyhaltö

Assistant Researcher
Thaïs Rosal Negre

Thaïs Rosal Negre

Assistant Researcher
Núria Suñé Soler

Núria Suñé Soler

Assistant Researcher
Crista Weise

Crista Weise

Assistant Researcher

Group work areas

The main lines of research of the group are:

  • Developing the researcher's identity. Dr. Montserrat Castelló
  • Developing the identity of the professional educator. Dr. Eva Liesa Hernández
  • Developing and intervening in diversity, inclusion and cooperation. Dr. Joana Mas Mestre

Services offered by the group

The SINTE-Lest group offers personalized training and consultancy, and the design and creation of teaching materials around the group's three main lines of research:

  • Academic and scientific writing
  • Development and training of new and expert researchers
  • Teacher training and processes of reflection and pedagogical innovation at all levels of education

These topics are addressed on a personalized basis based on demand and can be geared both to institutions (universities, schools, non-governmental organizations, PhD schools, etc.) and to groups and individuals (teachers, research teams).


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