Check out the latest news published by Blanquerna here.
Data analysis: a digital talk with specialist Marc Argemí
The team of researchers and professors of the School have enjoyed an update session with Dr. Marc Argemí, director of Sibilare and specialist in data, communication, rumors and credibility.
Communication sector focused on the use of Big Data
Big Data consolidates itself as the main source of innovation in the communication sector in Catalonia. This is one of the conclusions of the Outlook Blanquerna 2019 study, that was presented at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona.
Blanquerna starts the process to get the HR Excellence in Research quality award
This April, Blanquerna-URL has signed and sent to the European Commission the declaration of commitment to the principles of the Charter for European Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The power of women in the XXV Blanquerna Conferences
From Monday 18 to March 20, we celebrate the XXV Blanquerna Conferences, which on this occasion open a debate on women in the world of communication, international relations and public sector management.
MILAB Conferences: Virtual Reality in the real world
Last Monday, February 18, the first edition of the MILAB Conferences took place. These conferences came about with the aim of facilitating the approach to the changing reality caused by the technological impulse of the new economy 4.0.
Dr. Enric Ordeix, new president of the Global Communication Institute
The director of the degree in Global Communication Management, Dr. Enric Ordeix has been appointed as president of the Global Communication Institute, an interuniversity consortium of 15 universities, responsible for the organization of the seminar on Global Public Relations, taught for third-year students of the degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing.
Winter School in Journalism and Art & Culture, successfully finished
The very first Blanquerna Winter School 2019 in Journalism and Art & Culture has just finished last week. We've received 13 students from different regions in China. Coordinated by Mei Huang, the program was taught by Judith Colell, Maddalena Fedele, Giorgia Miotto, Joaquin Beltran, Mei Huang, and Daniel Pifarre.
International Relations Students engage in the final debate: «What is the Future of Europe?»
The Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, CIDOB, one of the most important think-tanks in the Mediterranean, hosted international relations students and their final debate on the future of Europe.
Emerson and Blanquerna strengthen their collaboration
Dr. Lee Pelton, President of Emerson College, and the Dean of Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell, inaugurated an official plaque at the Emerson-Blanquerna Center for Global Communication, located at the Research Institute (Tallers, 77) to set the basis for new future joint ventures.
WhatsApp will finance a Digilab research project
The Digilab research group has been distinguished with the WhatsApp Misinformation and Social Science Research Awards, which will allow the development of the project What's up with news? Fighting misinformation on WhatsApp: users' approach.