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Blanquerna FCRI, entre les millors per a estudiar Publicitat

Blanquerna FCRI, among the best to study Advertising

May 14, 2018

The degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing that we teach in the Faculty has been recognized as the second best option to study advertising, according to the annual ranking of El Mundo, for the sixth consecutive year.

With this result, the University Ramon Llull is ranked in the twelfth position in the ranking of universities 50 careers published by the newspaper El Mundo, and is consolidated, one more year, as the second private university in Spain.

With regard to the degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing, El Mundo highlights the curriculum, the research and professional profile of the school, the small groups and the relevance of the internships that allow their students to acquire the necessary skills to work in the main companies in the sector.

This ranking, which has a long history, is in its 18th edition this year of evaluating the 50 degree programs most requested by students and the top 5 universities in which to study them. In this edition, six of the degrees offered by the URL appear in the top five positions.

To carry out the ranking, El Mundo takes into account 27 selection criteria. These are divided into a questionnaire sent to 2,000 teachers. The data has been provided by the same university and by other indicators of external studies, such as international rankings.

You can check the results of the ranking here.

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