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Continuing education course refresher/specialization in vegetarian diet

Academic year closed

  • Modality
  • Languages
  • Duration
    6 sessions: 24 in-person hours
  • Planning

    March 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 and 17, 2023

    Thursday and Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  • Places
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer Padilla, 326-332. 08025 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    Blanquerna School of Health Sciences

Course presentation

The number of people following a vegetarian diet is on the increase, as are consultations with doctors and dietitians-nutritionists. On the one hand, the undergraduate degree training in this subject in most courses of healthcare study is clearly insufficient to thoroughly and ethically meet the demands and needs of this group. On the other hand, information often appears in the media and on social media relating to vegetarianism that is controversial, alarmist and often poorly supported by scientific evidence. This can lead to worry and concern among health professionals, which needs to be addressed with up-to-date training in vegetarian diet and nutrition.


Promote training in dietary recommendations for vegetarian eating based on the most current scientific evidence, taking into account the most common types of vegetarian diet in our environment and the profile of the persons seeking advice

Recognize the key nutrients in vegetarian food and learn their means of absorption and bioavailability

Learn about specificities, composition, rations... of the key foods in the vegetarian diet

Adapt dietary guidelines in the vegetarian diet in healthy adults, at different ages, physiological and pathological situations (pregnancy, early childhood, the elderly, pathologies, sports, etc.)

Who is it for?

Graduates in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, as well as 3rd and 4th year undergraduate degree students

Course content

• Introduction to vegetarianism. Key nutrients in the vegetarian diet
• Foods of interest in the vegetarian diet.
• General recommendations in healthy adults.
• Food, nutritional and dietary recommendations at different stages of life.
• Food, nutritional and dietary recommendations in special situations and pathologies.
• Search for scientific evidence on food and nutrition in vegetarianism.


  • Maria Manera. Dietitian-Nutritionist. Master in Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion. Collaborating dietitian of the PAAS (Comprehensive Plan for the Promotion of Health through Physical Activity and Healthy Eating) of the Catalan Public Health Agency (Generalitat de Catalunya).
  • Maria Blanquer. Dietitian-Nutritionist. Master in Public Health. Collaborator of the UVE (Spanish Vegetarian Union). Collaborating dietitian of the PAAS (Comprehensive Plan for the Promotion of Health through Physical Activity and Healthy Eating) of the Catalan Public Health Agency (Generalitat de Catalunya).
  • Eduard Baladia. Dietitian-Nutritionist. Head of the "Center for the Analysis of Scientific Evidence of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics". Founder of the "Evidence-Based Nutrition Network (RED-NuBE)".
  • Julio Basulto. Dietitian-Nutritionist. Associate Professor of the School of Health Sciences and Welfare at the University of Vic. Author and co-author of several publications

Enroll in the course

To register, click on the link below.

On the first screen, if you do not have Blanquerna credentials (username and password), you will need to register. The application will ask you for the following documents during the enrollment process:
- ID card
- Undergraduate degree certificate or enrollment in the 4th year of the Undergraduate Degree


Més informació

Per a més informació, pots contactar amb [email protected]

Tuition fee

Academic tuition
Facultat de Ciències de la Salut FCS


Descompte (no acumulatiu) del 15% en el preu de la matrícula a: alumni, estudiants de la Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna-URL i membres del CFC*, COIB* i CODINUCAT*.
*Cal aportar l'últim rebut d'aquest any.

Certificate of attendance

Course participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Attendance to 80% or more of the sessions is required to obtain it.


Excellence is the future