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Continuing education course in Food and Nutrition in Pediatric Pathologies: Module included within the University expert course in Advanced Clinical Nutrition

Academic year closed

FCS-FC- aliment
  • Modality
  • Languages
    Catalan, Spanish
  • Duration
    4 sessions / 20 hours
  • Planning

    November 24 and 25 and December 1 and 2, 2022

    Thursday and Friday afternoons: 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

  • Places
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer Padilla, 326-332. 08025 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    Blanquerna School of Health Sciences

Food is a very important issue in children's health. Diet influences your physical and intellectual development. Many childhood pathologies can be prevented and improved with proper eating and nutrition.

This course, which forms part of one of the modules of the course University expert in Advanced Clinical Nutrition, includes the treatment of and nutritional approach to the most prevalent pathologies that can arise in childhood, teaching the dietary strategies for the different clinical situations.


To offer a broad and comprehensive view of the characteristics of the pediatric patient in order to make a correct dietary-nutritional assessment and assess nutritional status.

To offer a description of the most common pathologies in the pediatric population in order to know their pathophysiology and to be able to develop the most appropriate dietary and nutritional strategies.

Who is it for?

Graduates, diploma holders or 4th year students of the Undergraduate Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Course content

• Characteristics of the pediatric patient

Tools to assess nutritional status

• Pediatric dietary-nutritional assessment

• Metabolopathies: Phenylketonuria, Urea cycle disorders, Organic acidemia, etc.

Clinical aspects and application of ketogenic diets

• Dietary strategies in different pathology situations


Dolores García (Dietitian-Nutritionist). Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Esplugues de Llobregat.

Enroll in the course

Click on the following link and follow the steps to enroll. On the first screen, if you do not have Blanquerna credentials (username and password), you will need to register.

The application will ask you for the following documents during the enrollment process:

- ID card

- Bachelor degree certificate or enrollment in the 4th year of the bachelor degree


Més informació

Per a més informació, pots contactar amb [email protected]

Tuition fee

Academic tuition
Facultat de Ciències de la Salut FCS


Descompte (no acumulatiu) del 15% en el preu de la matrícula a: alumni, estudiants de la Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna-URL i membres del CFC*, COIB* i CODINUCAT*.
*Cal aportar l'últim rebut d'aquest any.

Certificate of attendance

Course participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Attendance to 80% or more of the sessions is required to obtain it.


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