
Professor Carme Basté, Publifestival Honor Award 2015

Professor Carme Basté, Publifestival Honor Award 2015

June 26, 2015

The Vice-Dean of Business and Innovation of Blanquerna FCRI, Carme Basté, has been awarded the Prize of Honor at Publifestival 2015, in recognition of her "great social contribution throughout her career."

The award was presented as part of the Gala of the International Festival of Social Advertising "Publifestival 2015". Professor Basté is a member of the Board of the Academy of Sciences and Television Arts, where she promoted the "Manifesto for television ethics." She has carried out much of her professional work at Television of Catalonia (TV3), of which we highlight the six editions of La Marató, a telethon of solidarity of this channel.

She was appointed head of Entertainment programs in 2001, and three years later, deputy director of Television of Catalonia and Director of Programs and Programming.

In 2009, through the Foundation La Marató, she became one of the promoters of the special edition "Marathon for poverty" to raise funds for nonprofit organizations working in the area of poverty. In 2002, Professor Carme Basté received the City of Barcelona Award for direction and in 2007 received the Talent Award of the Academy of Television.


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