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Esther Vera: "The subscription model forces us to generate quality content"

Esther Vera: "The subscription model forces us to generate quality content"

May 10, 2021

The director of the newspaper Ara, Esther Vera, has participated in the Master's Degree in Advanced Journalism. Reporting as a visiting professor in the subject Innovation in journalism.

The journalist Esther Vera has done a very practical class in which she explained to the students the entire process of preparing the newspaper, starting with the digital edition and its continuous updates and also the paper edition.

Vera explained that from the outset both the shareholders and the entire team of professionals of the newspaper have opted for an independent, rigorous and plural publication, in which they try to establish a very close relationship with the reader.

"Our community", said Vera, "highly values ​​the fact that we make an innovative and different product, in which we bet on quality rather than quantity, without forgetting any information”. Ara's business model is fundamentally based on subscription, which, in the words of the director, "forces us to generate quality content".

Vera has also explained that although they have been clear about the digital model they have never stopped betting on the newspaper, and that a clear demonstration of this is the weekend editions of the newspaper, "doing investigative journalism, of thematic blocks, with a central page that vindicates photojournalism, with an identified and clear image. The paper editions of the designated weekends and holidays are like author's diaries". Finally, Esther Vera has vindicated the role of the media: "A newspaper fulfills a very important social function linked to the democratic quality of a country".

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