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Dr. Conxita Mestres i Miralles, dean of the School of Health Sciences, becomes an Elect Corresponding Scholar of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia (RAFC)

June 13, 2023

On the 12th of June, Dr. Conxita Mestres i Miralles joined the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia as an Elect Corresponding Scholar. During the event, she delivered the speech "Necessities of adapting the Pharmacy Studies Plan to the current and future situation", and was presented, on behalf of the Academy, by the Excma. Mrs. Dr. Rosa Núria Aleixandre i Cerarols.

Dr. Conxita Mestres i Miralles, dean of Blanquerna School of Health Sciences - Ramon Llull University, became a member, as an Elect Corresponding Scholar, of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia. In her speech on the "Necessities of adapting the Pharmacy Studies Plan to the current and future situation", she noted that the sciences and health systems have always been in constant change, but in recent years evolution has accelerated at a greater speed, especially taking account the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This constant change “supposes a challenge to university institutions, which need to ensure that the curriculum of our studies is suitable for preparing our graduates for new needs” Dr. Mestres explained.

These changes include all areas of the pharmaceutical profession, such as community and hospital pharmacy, the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry, outpatient care, the public health agency, among others. “In the same way, personalized medicine [...], the technology to access patients’ data quickly and easily, and in parallel, the skills of patient management, and the problems we encounter” highlighted Dr Conxita Mestres i Miralles.

She also mentioned that "the development of clinical practice, involving skills in differential diagnosis, in the handling of medication, must be strengthened, placing emphasis on critical thinking, communication and leadership. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance direct practice with patients, interprofessional and team work”.

In the presentation on behalf of the academy, Dr. Rosa Núria Aleixandre highlighted the long formative and professional career of Dr. Conxita Mestres, placing special emphasis on her teaching, initiated in 1992.

The event was attended by Dr. Josep Rom, rector of Ramon Llull University, Dr. Giorgia Miotto, general director of Blanquerna-URL, Dr. Enric Xicoy Comas, general secretary of Blanquerna-URL, in addition to a wide representation of directors and professors of Blanquerna-URL bachelor's and master's degrees.

Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia
The Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia (RAFC) is a Catalan-based academy that aims to promote the study and research of the pharmaceutical sciences and acts as an advisory body of the state and Catalan administration in accordance with its competence.

You can recover the ceremony in the following link:

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