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BTV airs the online programme «Otro cuento más», made in Blanquerna FCRI

BTV airs the online programme «Otro cuento más», made in Blanquerna FCRI

October 28, 2015

On Sunday, November 1st, at 22:30h, BTV will air the three first episodes of the online programme «Otro cuento más», created by Communication Degree students, Nàdia Elgab, Laura Aran, Víctor Flores and Marc Andreu, with the help of professor Eva Santana.

The BTV show, Tube d’Assaig, has included them in what they call «Circuit», where there is a collaboration with Verkami in order to finance a second season of the project.

This week, the staff of Tube d’Assaig, presented by our alumna Glòria Lanuza, have visited our university to interview the students who have made this programme possible. On Sunday 15th, at the same time, BTV will air the rest of first season’s episodes.


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