
Project MedMedia Meeting with EU, BBC Representatives in Blanquerna

Project MedMedia Meeting with EU, BBC Representatives in Blanquerna

April 1, 2016

In Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations there has been a meeting between various members of MedMedia programme, an initiative present in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunis, that aims to strengthen the role of the media as a democratization exponent and promote freedom of expression in the southern Mediterranean.

The team leader, Michael Randall, the project manager of BBC Media Action, Ellie Haworth, the assistant to Secretary General of the Federation International Journalists Olivier Money-Kyrle, among others, and Dean Josep Maria Carbonell and Professor Jaume Suau on behalf of the School participated in the meeting in Blanquerna.

Enrolled in the international consortium led by BBC Media Action, are organizations like the Federation of Journalists of Belgium, the institute IREX Europe de France and the Jordan Media Institute.


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