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Koldo Serra: «I hope our film will create interest in the bombings of Gernika»

Koldo Serra: «I hope our film will create interest in the bombings of Gernika»

December 5, 2016

Koldo Serra, director of the recently released «Gernika» (2016) and «Bosque de sombras» (2006), has visited us to offer a masterclass entitled «The production and realization of historical fiction,» to students of the Official Master in Film and Television Fiction. Production, Script and Realization.

«I think we owed a historic debt to Gernika. I hope the new generations see the film and are interested in this story. Historical memory is an issue that must be taken into account and it must not be forgotten,» says Serra.

The director of «Gernika», which premiered this September, has also directed and worked on various short films, video clips and advertising spots.


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