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Blanquerna FCRI projects involved in the Audiovisual University-Industry Pitching

Blanquerna FCRI projects involved in the Audiovisual University-Industry Pitching

September 30, 2015

Four projects, undertaken as final degree projects of Film and Television (Audiovisual Communication) students, have been selected from a total of 16 to participate in the first University-Industry Audiovisual Pitching 2015.

On October 21 and 22, all participants will confront the main actors of the Catalan industry in this important meeting organized by the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia, in conjunction with various Catalan universities such as Ramon Llull University.

Our School is one of the centers with the highest number of projects selected, participating in all categories. You’ll find more information at the website of the Cluster.

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461, by Júlia Ferrer, Marta Buisán and Cristina de Diego


Mediocrity, by Josep Feliu, Pol Angusto, Joaquim Barceló and Albert Segura


Baixar del pòdium, by Ana Arjol, Joan Espina, Jonathan Fernández and Laia Roigé.
(In)capaços, by Mireia Castelló, Cintia Masllorer, Carla Puche and Aitana March

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