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Jorge Barres Costa

Jorge Barres Costa

[email protected]

Academic training

2016 | Tècnic de Grau Mig en Futbol

2011 | Tècnic de Primer Nivell en Esquí Alpí

2010 | Tècnic de Grau Mig en Esquí de Fons

2008 | Màster i Tècnic de Grau Superior en Prev. Riscos Laborals

2007 | Diploma Estudis Avançats

1992 | Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Cataluña, Universitat de Barcelona | Llicenciat en Educació Física

1989 | Socorrista per la Fed. Española de Salvamento y Socorrismo Acuático

1987 | Nivell A1 de Francès

1986 | First Certificate of English

Recent teaching

Bachelor degrees and double majors

Seminar VII Degree in Sports Sciences

Seminar VIII Degree in Sports Sciences

Seminar III Degree in Sports Sciences

Sport management of risk in unconventional spaces Degree in Sports Sciences

Free-time Physical Activity: Rural activities Study Plan FPCEE / Degree in Sports Sciences

Active tourism Degree in Sport Management / Study Plan FPCEE

Doctoral and Master's degrees

Advanced training for the teaching of Physical Education Official master in training teachers for secondary and sixth-form teaching, vocational training and language teaching. Speciality: Physical education

Practicum University Master's Degree Course in Managing Organizations and Sport Projects (Sports Management)


Excellence is the future