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User training

Here are the instructions on how your online account works, how you can borrow items, and what you need to know before consulting documents online. You can also ask for personalized advice if you need it. In these cases, you can do so by sending an email to your library.
In the case of the School of Health Sciences, courses are offered to first-year students to introduce the resources, rules and operation of the library. Training is also provided on some key aspects in preparing assignments, such as citation, impact factor analysis, advanced searches and search tools. For these courses, students need to be grouped into groups of 4 to 8 people.

biblioteca FCRI

Practical information

  • How to access your personal account and consult online resources from home. By accessing the library catalog, you will find the full range of resources at your disposal. To log in, you must identify yourself as a "URL Student, PDI and PAS". Then, you will need to enter your institutional email and SCALA password.
  • How to search the URL catalog. Learn the best way to find the documents you need with this tutorial. In this video you will also see how to reserve books or publications.

Database tutorials

How can I get the most out of a search on database platforms? These tutorials will show you all the keys to successfully finding the information you need, effectively and quickly.

Tutorial biblioteques BBDD Cinahl Complete
Alumnes a l'aula FCRI
Alumne amb ordinador
Alumnes en grup a classe FCRI
Alumnes en grup a l'aula de la biblioteca de la FCRI
Alumnes en grup a classe FCS
Dues alumnes consulten documents a ordinador
Alumnes a classe FPCEE
Alumna i professor amb ordinador a classe

Instruction manuals for databases

In addition to the video tutorials, you can consult the instruction manuals for the other databases you have access to from your personal library account.

Alumnes treballant a la classe

How to cite

Discover all the recognized systems for making proper citations


Excellence is the future