Search databases
First name | Description | Manual | Access type | Subjects |
Globethics Library | Free open online library providing quality resources on applied ethics, education and religious studies from around the world. It contains more than 3.6 million documents, including articles, books, reference works, doctoral theses, conference proceedings, case studies and educational resources. These are accessible free of charge, in full text through a multilingual portal. | Free access | Bioethics | |
Graó E-Premium | A platform for finding journal articles and chapters of full-text books specializing in education, in Catalan and Spanish. The magazine articles correspond to the 13 educational magazines published by Graó, which include all stages and didactic approaches: Alambique, Aula, Aula de infantil, Aula de secundària, Dosier Graó/Dossier Graó, Eufonia, Iber, Tandem, Textos, Uno, Articles, Forum, Guix. The book chapters are from a selection of 200 ebooks from the same publisher. | You must authenticate your user account | Education | |
Green File | Base de dades que cobreix l'impacte humà en el medi ambient. La col·lecció de títols acadèmics, governamentals i d'interès general inclou contingut sobre escalfament global, construcció ecològica, contaminació, agricultura sostenible, energies renovables, reciclatge i més | Free access | Multidisciplinary | |
Guide to digital media | You must authenticate your user account | Communication, Multidisciplinary | ||
Hispana | Portal giving access to the digital heritage of Spanish archives, libraries and museums (manuscripts, printed books, photographs, maps, etc.). | Free access | Multidisciplinary | |
IME (Spanish Medical Index) | Contains medical publications in Spain since the 1970s. It mainly collects articles from scientific journals and, selectively, from conference proceedings, series, compilations, reports and specialized studies. It was discontinued as such in November 2018 but continues in ÍnDICEs-CSIC | Free access | ||
INE base | Database of the National Institute of Statistics | Free access | Medicine and health | |
Inquiro | A unique search engine for discovering and accessing scientific information specializing in health in any format (articles, books and chapters, conference proceedings, reports, theses, patents, website resources, etc.). Inquiro allows simultaneous consultation of the following sources of information: catalog of the Health Sciences Library of Catalonia; Scientia, Ministry of Health digital information repository; electronic magazines and books to which the Library subscribes (you must be registered); and, finally, relevant open access content. | Free access | ||
ISBN | Database of Spanish books on sale since 1973. | Free access | Multidisciplinary | |
Journal Citation Reports | Tool that assesses over 7,000 worldwide publications dealing with approximately 200 disciplines. Allows users to determine the impact and influence of a publication on the research community. Available in two editions: science and social sciences. | Free access | Medicine and health, Multidisciplinary | |
JSTOR - Archival Journals and Primary Sources Collection | JSTOR (tutorial) | You must authenticate your user account | Multidisciplinary, International relations | |
Kinédoc | French language database specializing in physiotherapy and rehabilitation | Free access | Physiotherapy, Medicine and health |