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Search databases


First nameDescriptionManualAccess typeSubjects
Dissertation Express

Referential database of theses included in Proquest Dissertations and Theses. It does not include the full text

Free accessPhD theses
DOAB: Directory of open access books

Open access book search engine

Free accessMultidisciplinary
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals

Free, quality-controlled, full-text scientific and academic journals covering all subjects in multiple languages

Free accessCommunication, Multidisciplinary

Bibliographic database of Spanish Medical Documentation.

Free accessMedicine and health

Full text of the Official Journal of the Generalitat of Catalonia from January 1987 onwards.

Free accessLaw

Database produced by the American Economic Association. Allows access to bibliographic references and abstracts of articles from more than 550 journals, as well as specialized studies, theses, working papers, etc. dealing with economics and business.

You must authenticate your user accountEconomics and business
Education Collection

La base de dades Education collection inclou ERIC i Education Database. Incorpora, a més, al voltant de 1200 títols de revistes acadèmiques i professionals, tesis doctorals i més de 18.000 dissertacions i altres tipus de continguts.

You must authenticate your user accountEducation
Education Database

Dóna suport a l'estudi, recerca i l'aplicació de l'Educació a través de tots els seus nivells: educació infantil, primària, secundària i superior. Inclou milers de revistes a text complet, tesis i altres fonts rellevants des de 1988 fins l'actualitat.

You must authenticate your user accountEducation

Online platform for audiovisuals, cinema, series, documentaries, shorts, concerts, animation and courses, created exclusively for libraries.
Please note: Only for FCRI users.

You must authenticate your user accountCommunication

Multidisciplinary platform, constantly updated, containing around 100,000 electronic books (McGraw-Hill, Penguin Classics, John Wiley & Sons, Cambridge University Press, MIT, Planeta, Ariel, etc.).

Vídeo tutorialYou must authenticate your user accountCommunication, Multidisciplinary

Electronic service of the Emerald publishing house that provides access to the full text of more than 150 journals published by Emerald, mainly on business management and information sciences.

Emerald (handbook)You must authenticate your user accountMultidisciplinary

Bibliographic database of journal articles in Spanish prepared by the Library of the Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología at Madrid Complutense University

ManualFree accessPhysiotherapy, Nursing, Medicine and health

Excellence is the future