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Ramon Llull Professorship

The Ramon Llull Chair was founded in 1994 to develop a common instrument and space for the Blanquerna faculties. The Chair takes the humanistic, integrative, committed and transcendent perspective of the scale of understanding of Ramon Llull as its fundamental bases. It is structured in four main areas: academic field, pastoral field, solidarity and cooperation field and identity and mission field.

Academic field

Ars Brevis is an annual interdisciplinary publication that collects the contributions of university professors in the fields of anthropology, ethics, and philosophy.

The aim of this yearbook is to make research in the field of thought known from an interdisciplinary and global point of view, with an eminently pedagogical character, at the service of the educand. The tone of the yearbook, divided into three sections (studies, monograph and reviews) is academic and scientific, but also includes texts that seek a high dissemination of thought.

The journal has an International Editorial Board and an Advisory Board, and all manuscripts are subject to an evaluation system. The Editorial Board keeps open the reception of articles and book reviews for the following issues of the yearbook. The reception and evaluation procedure can be found in the Contributor Guide.

Ars Brevis

Pastoral Area

Pastoral Area In addition to the activities carried out by the Ramon Llull Chair, in the three Blanquerna faculties, there are spaces for reflection isolated from the hustle and bustle dedicated to the celebration of the Faith or cultural and religious animation. Personalized attention and information on church life is also offered to all students who wish. There are a number of pastoral groups that promote activities in this regard and which can be joined by students, teachers and staff.

Being and knowing group

It is made up of a group of students who want to delve deeper into being, its existence and connect knowledge with life through dialogue, reflection and listening. There are specific sessions on topics such as love, death, evil, spirituality and human nature.

University and Gospel meetings

It is a space for reflection, discovery, dialogue and group exchange to analyze the possible similarities and interpellations between the university experience and the Gospel. The group meets 6 times virtually, and twice in person.

Fake news or Good news? Gospel reading workshop

This group meets in seven face-to-face and participatory sessions to rediscover the Good News of Jesus from the hand of the evangelist Mark. It focuses on reading from the reality of young people, the university and the situation of the contemporary world.

Space of silence

Breathe, calm down, be attentive, observe, allow, loosen, trust, unlock, silence, contemplate. Spend time contemplating more clearly what moves in the most intimate and personal interior. A time to remain in perception, in listening, in stillness, in silence.

Celebration of the Eucharist

Both the Faculty of Communication and International Relations and the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences have a chapel in which Eucharists are celebrated at 2.15pm and 2.10pm, respectively. The duration of the celebration is half an hour.

Area of solidarity and cooperation

Solidarity action It is a complement to training and / or professional employment, which responds to the educational ideals of Blanquerna: solidarity, freedom-responsibility, human dignity and the will to serve. It is a social action based on volunteering, expressed in a plurality of forms and modalities, which allows the development of altruistic and service concerns among those who participate.

Collaboration and voluntary participation in the different intervention projects in the Third and Fourth World are promoted. University research groups are also promoted, support for one-off solidarity campaigns and training days are organized.

Acció Solidària voluntariat

Area of identity and mission

Commission for Identity and Mission In April 2021, the Board of Trustees of the Blanquerna Foundation created the Commission for Identity and Mission to analyze, prioritize and evaluate the various actions and activities of the axes or areas of the Ramon Llull Chair and develop a space for internal reflection and proposals. The aim is to ensure the deployment and reference of the Idea in everyday life, considering three priority contexts -cultural, university and ecclesial- to favor its integration in the new Strategic Plan. The Commission is linked to the institutions and agents of the institution: Board of Trustees of the Blanquerna Foundation; Board of Directors; Team of pastoralists and instances of the Diocese of Barcelona. Dr. Andreu Ibarz, Commissioner for Identity and Mission, assumes the responsibility of directing, orienting and animating in a transversal way these areas with a clear pastoral and educational orientation.

Academic field: Ars Brevis Editorial Board

  • Director: Dr. Francesc Torralba
  • Editorial Board: Dr. Francesc-Xavier Marín, Dr. Antoni Nello and Dr. Miquel Tresserras
  • Secretary: Mrs. Maria Guerra

Pastoral Area: Pastoral Area

  • School of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences: Mn. Angel Jesus Navarro Guareño and prof. Anna Eva Jarabo Fidalgo
  • School of Health Sciences: Dr. Jordi Sánchez Torrents
  • School of Communication and International Relations: Mn. Juan Ramón La Parra and Dr. Jordi Sánchez Torrents

Area of solidarity and cooperation: Solidarity Action

  • School of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences: Dr. Josep Sánchez Malagón
  • School of Health Sciences: Dr. Lluís Costa Tutusaus
  • School of Communication and International Relations: Prof. Sandra Balsells Cubells

Scope of identity and mission: Commission for Identity and Mission

  • Commissioner for Identity and Mission: Dr. Andreu Ibarz
  • Members: Representatives of the Board of Trustees of the Blanquerna Foundation, the Board of Directors, the Team of Pastoralists and Instances of the Diocese of Barcelona

Excellence is the future